


Mercury Class Yacht Racing Association

RYC got off 4 races for 5 Mercs on Sunday. Attendance was down from the previous month for various reasons including a "Mast Suicide" when it leaped from the deck while traveling in Pacific Grove.

We won't mention any names but the initials are D.W. and we are not talking the owner of 466. All four races had different winners and the racing was very close. Race one was won by Dave Bacci. Race two was won by Paul Mueller, Worden won race three. The Shortened Race four won by the Flying Lanzo's. The last race was shortened by the committee at the weather mark  because of the dying breeze. Great call by the committee because at that point we were closest to the RYC bar.  The adjusted starting time between the Lazer and Mercury fleets worked very well and fleet intermingling issues on the course greatly improved. Thanks to the RYC committee for their flexibility in tweak things for the benefit of all racers. For those looking for a little extra boat time do the Perry Cup and then come join us on the Richmond Riviera!  

Result posted here

