


Mercury Class Yacht Racing Association

For Sale / Wanted


  Mercury's Wanted!
Have a boat you are no longer sailing? We have potential new skippers looking for older, lower-priced boats to get started in the class.
  dhw429gmail com


Boat Trailer and sails are in great condition.  Well maintained.  Includes assorted sailing gear. Located in Redwood City. 

Click here for Pictures

Jim Kennel

pjkennelgmail com

650 345-6126     
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509 Nunes fiberglass hull, good trailer, alum spar, good used sails. Craig Houfnagel Cell 530-263-6570 $2,800
504 504 Nunes, trailer, 2 masts, Ullman, and Quantum sails, ready to race Ryan McMillen

rjmcmillengmail com


Good condition, 100+ hours spent longboarding the hull fair. Lightly used and measured in Pineapple Sails. Ballenger spar and boom; John Hansen built standing rigging. Spare whisker pole stored in-boat and out of the way. Fully rigged, custom boom crutch and mast stanchion for trailering, tool kit with spares included. Set up to rig and un-rig quickly. New Harken track and cars ready to install for lower shrouds.

Built for the boat Galvanized trailer with “Merc484” 60s black license plate and custom sail tubes plus spare tire.

Inflatable and small outboard also available

Click for image

Steve Rienhart

steverienharticloud com

$5,000 or obo 

Mercury Trailer available -

Click for image


Contact Doug Baird for info

@ (209) 754-9000



MCYRA has an inventory of spars for sale. The inventory is located in Alameda, California.

Contact John Hansen for pricing and ordering information.
yachtcheckyahoo com

Harken Hardware

Suggested hardware layout

Mauri Pro Sailing, Mercury parts & rigging catalog


Doyle Sails Alameda 510-523-9411

Ullman Sails Newport Beach 714-432-1860

Ullman Sails Sausalito 415-332-4117

Ullman Sails Santa Cruz 831-454-0868

Elliot-Pattison Sailmakers 949-645-6697

Pineapple Sails 510-522-2200 Kame Richards

Quantum Sails San Diego 619-226-2422


Target Trailer Service

Contact Mike Kelly
22435 Goldrush Lane, Clovis CA 93611
559 322 8863
