


Mercury Class Yacht Racing Association

Wrapping up a successful Huntington Regatta thanks to all the work by Pat Bradley and team as well as Matt Jone. The Baldwin family did a great job of putting on a fun dinner. 

Sailing was pretty stable Saturday but Sunday got light at times with even some thunder clouds with light rain. Luckily no lighting. Ravizza and Baird proved again to be in their own league. It was especially great to see so many new faces in the fleet.

For event photos click here

Sail # Skipper Crew R1 R2 R3 Total Finish
537 John Ravizza Chris Boom 1 2 2 5 1
508 Doug Baird Mike Baird 6 1 1 8 2
553 Jim Bradley Kathy Bradley 2 4 3 9 3
569 Chris Lanzafame Chris Lanzofame 5 3 8 16 4
562 John Hanson Tony Basso 4 8 6 18 5
429 Dave West Chris Krueger 3 10 9 22 6
471 Randu Hect John Buestad 7 6 12 25 7
548 David Bacci Patrick Murphy 10 11 7 28 8
572 Park Densmore Don Whelan 12 7 10 29 9
529 Chris Davie Steve Anderes 14 13 4 31 10
431 Bill Worden Katie Worden 8 21 5 34 11
541 Lyn Hines Eric Strrasavitch 17 5 15 37 12
584 Steve Jeppersen Kem Maring 11 9 21 41 13
576 Michael Trela Sarah Trela 15 16 13 44 14
455 Steve Sherry Brock Kent 13 17 17 47 15
582 Drake Baldwin Maddy Vega 18 15 14 47 16
581 Andy Goodman Marie Goodman 16 21 11 48 17
498 Jim McGuinness Joe 19 14 16 49 18
570 Frank Dair Greg Dair 9 21 21 51 19
468 Tom Priest Hatie Priest 21 12 18 51 20