


Mercury Class Yacht Racing Association

Hello all Mercury Class members!

WOW, it’s already October! Where has all the racing been? Oh ya, it’s the year of the Covid!

It’s been a few months since I’ve given any kind of an update, so here’s what has been going on and what is scheduled to go on!

Huntington Lake: Doug Baird won the High Sierra……Jim Bradley and crew did a fantastic job putting on the races under the circumstances!

National Championships, CBYC: Chris Raab and Kenny Dair won their 8th Class Championship……Mike Burch and the Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club did a fantastic job of putting on a really good regatta. Due to the restrictions imposed by the state CBYC was not able to hold a dinner for us, so Mike arranged for BBQ brought in and cooked in the boat yard for the annual dinner. All turned out great!

 PCC’s, LAYC: New class members Russ Silvestri and Randy Heck (Merc 471) sailed a wonderful regatta for the win! Yours truly was unable to attend, but word on the docks is the weather was a little suspect (lots of fog and some wind). 3 races each day, and racing didn’t get started on Saturday until 2:00 o’clock and the fog was so bad on Sunday at one point you could not see the pin end of the line from the committee boat! As per usual LAYC did a fantastic job of putting on the regatta.

Okay, so what’s ahead you ask? October 17th (this Saturday) is the Richmond Yacht Club’s Fall regatta. Lyn Hines sent out an email with the details. Sailing instructions are coming soon. Please let him know if you can sail!. Notice of race is on the RYC web site.

Perry Cup is happening! First weekend is November 7th, only sailing Saturday this year due to health and state restrictions. Dec. 5th, Jan. 2nd, and Feb. 6th round out the remaining regatta dates. Jack McAleer is asking to let him know if you are planning on coming, because of the pandemic MPYC is not fully up and running. So, if there are not 10 boats registered (or 10 firm commitments) by October 28 the series will be canceled. So get on it!!!

Next, we have the CBYC Fall One Design Regatta November 14th and 15th. It is a definite GO! So start making plans to attend!

I want to welcome new class members Russ Silvestri, Randy Heck, John Kostecki, and Shawm Sinawi (Merc 463), all from the bay area to the class.

On the whole we had some very good competitive racing for the 3 events the class pulled off since the beginning of the pandemic and all the restrictions that came with it. Great job to all that helped to get Mercurys back out sailing!

Don’t forget, “your boat wants to go sailing and it wants to take you with it!” So get out and go sailing!!!!

See you on the water!
Mercury 572
