Hello again Mercury Class Members! The racing season is in full swing!! We had a good showing at the Mid-Winters with good wind and no storms this year.
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From the Prez, August 2019...
Hello all Mercury Class Members!
Just a quick update from your President, I know its been a while, but it has been a busy summer.
Since my last report the NorCal series wrapped up, another successful series for the SF Bay Fleet. Unfortunately the SoCal series never gained any traction this year, but will push through to next Spring and make it happen! Then we had Santa Barbra Spring Regatta, with 6 boast on the line.
From the Prez, April 2019...
Well hello again all Mercury class members near and far!!
It’s time for a class update!!
So Perry Cup 2, 3, and 4 were canceled because of stormy weather as was Mid-Winters…..As many of us had hopes of getting the season back on track in March, Nor Cal #1 and So Cal #1 both were canceled due to, yep you guessed it, STORMY weather!
2019 MCYRA Annual Meeting Update
Hello Mercury class,
The Class held its annual meeting Saturday January 19th in Paso Robles. Here is a brief recap of what was discussed and voted on.
Lyn Hines of the San Francisco Bay Fleet presented a bid for the Richmond Yacht Club to host our National Championships this year. Dates are September 12-15 2019……The bid was accepted and planning for the event is moving forward.
From The Prez, January 2019...
Hello all Mercury members!
Happy New Year!
As we wave goodbye to another very successful year of Mercury racing, we welcome and look forward to an even better 2019.
We are off to some what of a slow start. Perry Cup weekend # 1 went off without a hitch. Not so for the 2nd weekend in Dec. and 3rd weekend in Jan, with high winds and stormy skies both Saturday’s had to be canceled. Weekend #4 is on Saturday February 2nd and hopefully Dick Clark and his merry band of helpers can get in as many races as possible.
Renew Your 2019 MCYRA Dues Now!
Time to renew your 2019 MCYRA dues!
You can download your 2019 dues form here.
Please try to get these returned by the end of January, 2019.
2019 MCYRA Annual Meeting 1/19/19
The Mercury Class Annual Meeting will be held at the Steakhouse at the Paso Robles Inn in Paso Robles, Saturday January 19th at noon.
Please contact Secretary Jim Bradley, at info@mercury-sail.com for any items you wish to put on the agenda.
From The Prez, October 2018...
Hello Fellow Mercury Class Members!
Been awhile since I last reported on the happenings in the class, but hey, it’s been a busy summer!! Here’s a recap!
Hart Nunes, San Francisco Y.C. another excellent job of putting on a fun day of racing. Chris & Jeff Lanzfame coming away with the win!
From The Prez, June 2018...
Hello Mercury Sailors!
Nor Cal Series once again had good weather, wind, and participation for each Saturday. A very successful fun time had by all! Doug Baird, was on his sailing “game” as he took home First overall. The So Cal series only got one Saturday in, but with solid race committee work and 6 races for the day, the future of this series looks bright!
Hart Nunes is just around the corner, July 7th! Held at the SFYC in Belvedere….. sign up today and go enjoy one of the most beautiful sailing venues in the bay area! Next, there’s Huntington Lake! July 28th and 29th, that’s just a month and half away! This is a “can’t” miss regatta if you have not sailed there before! Don’t forget the National Championships will be held at the Los Angeles Yacht Club, August 16th thru August 19th. As I had shared with all of you after the class meeting in January, it was decided, if someone has “new” sails for the Nationals, it is the skipper’s reasonability to make sure they measure in. In other words, if you bring new sails to the Nationals and they fail to measure in, you will not be able to use them, period.
On another note: Paxton Davis sent out lists (3 to be exact) to district reps listing people in the class that have not paid their MCYRA dues. Please pay your dues, it is part of what helps sustain the class and its only $40.00!
Now get out there and race your boat!! Your boat will love you for it, and more times than not, you will have fun!!!
See you on the water!
Merc 572
Note From MCYRA Chief Measurer, January 2018
At the annual meeting last weekend in Paso Robles, three issues related to measuring were thoroughly discussed. Though the discussion led to no rule changes, it did lead to some adjustment to procedures that all members should take note of.
From The Prez, April 2018...
From The Prez, February 2018.....
Hello Mercury Class Members!! Our racing season is off and sailing for 2018!
From The Prez, December 2017.....
Mercury Class Members!
Our 2017 Mercury Class Racing season is winding down; let us reflect on some of the highs and lows……It has been non-stop exciting sailing, starting with Perry Cup #3 in January.
2018 Annual MCYRA Dues...
2018 MCYRA Annual Dues Are Payable Now!
From The Prez, October 2017.....
Hello, Mercury Class Members! It has been a busy summer of racing with many events still to come this year! Our 2017 Mercury Championships, hosted by the Monterey Peninsula Yacht Club, were nothing short of spectacular!
From The Prez 2017
August 2017
Mercury Sailors, Nationals Are At Then End Of the Month!
Once again, the annual Mercury High Sierra Regatta was a big success! The lake was full of water, the weather and wind were perfect, and 23 boats came to compete! Pat Bradley, Peter Baldwin, and their support staff, pulled off another wonderful dinner on Friday night.
From The Prez 2017
June 2017
Hello again Mercury Sailors!
We have another new Mercury owner amongst us, Lyn Hines recently bought Merc. # 565 from Myron Erickson, and raced in the last Norcal series June 3rd. Myron, unfortunately for the Mercury Association is moving out of state, but appears he is moving onto new adventures. Myron will be missed on the water, and of course he is welcomed back anytime! We wish him and Nancy all the best!
Deck Stepped Mast Approved
The MCYRA now allows interested owners to use a desk stepped mast instead of the normal keelson stepped mast.
From The New 2017 Prez.....
February 2017
Hello All Mercury Association Members!
I am honored to have been elected the class President for 2017. Most of you have known me for many years, but those who don’t, I look forward to meeting each of you and working with everyone to promote and continually improve the class! I would like to acknowledge Eric Conn, who graciously served as class President for 3 years! What a terrific job he did keeping the class heading in the in right direction!
From The Prez 2017
April 2017
Hello again all Mercury Sailors!
April is upon us and much has happened since my last notes to all. First I would like to welcome new member and owner of Merc 530, Victor Piltch. Victor recently purchased the boat and will be working with Pax Davis to make some user friendly improvements (i.e. taking out the raised floorboards). We are looking forward to having them out on the water soon!
Upcoming Regatta Announcements
Recent Regatta Results
MCYRA Announcements
Official News And Announcements From The MCYRA
From The Prez...
Updates from the MCYRA President